Tracking Transits - Present Moment Awareness
This consult requires a basic understanding of your Birth Chart. It’s a great add on at any time after the Initial Consult.
“Transits” in Astrology focus on what the planets are doing at the present moment. In this consult, present day transits are overlaid with your chart to see what energies may be presently affecting you. This is coupled with a discussion into the psychology behind them and potential ways to handle those energies.
We can also take a look into the near future to see what upcoming transits may have an impact for you so you can determine ways to handle the approaching energies and be prepared for what’s to come. This way, rather than feeling overwhelmed on edge, or simply out of sorts due to astrological influences effecting your chart and hence your life, you create awareness around upcoming energies and potential events.
As with all consults, we will conclude with an oracle card message for you based upon our discussions, which will include the option for a crystal healing recommendation, if this resonates with you. Having a pen and paper or computer handy is suggested to be able to take notes for yourself!