Information & ServicesÂ
Regina M. McGowan, AstroPsychology Consultant

Having always been fascinated by the stars in the sky since a child, it was natural for Regina to be drawn back to them and into Astrology as an adult. This connection is what drove Regina to enroll in a 2 year accredited Astrology training, through which she has obtained her Masters degree from the Academy of AstroPsychology.
Regina believes that by analyzing the Birth Chart and identifying patterns, themes and events, one is able to bring awareness to deeper levels of the Self. Once brought to light, integration and healing can begin and Soul Connection and Advancement can be obtained.
Regina is excited to be able to share her knowledge, as well as assist others to integrate AstroPsychology as a self care tool to assist them in advancing through their life journey.

What is AstroPsychology
AstroPsychology is a type of psychological astrology characterized by uncommon rigor, structure, and precision. While firmly grounded in horoscopic astrology’s 2000 year tradition, it builds on this foundation by incorporating concepts from depth psychology, integral spirituality, and general systems theory. Rooted in the past but aiming for the future, AstroPsychology bridges the gap between ancient and modern astrology.
Jung’s archetypal model is a central thread, but we borrow from other schools of thought, too, including psychodynamic theory and developmental psychology. Each discipline—astrology and psychology—is radically transformed and empowered by its marriage to the other. Forged in the fires of actual psychotherapeutic practice, the resultant synthesis accelerates insight and deepens empathic rapport with clients.
(Description taken from the program’s website:
Details & Pricing
The Consultations listed above have been created so that each one can function as a stand alone session, or they can be progressive and build upon the previous session(s), depending on your preference.
Therefore, the Consultations can be purchased separately or as a bundle, in which case there is a substantial discount applied to the bundle.
Each individual Consultation will include an Oracle Card pull and Crystal Healing suggestion, if time allows.
Please reach out below for pricing, questions and to book a session.
Consultation Options
Initial Consult - Overview of your Birth Chart
Click here for a full description
Aspect Analysis - Integrating Life Issues​
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Finding the Shadow in your Birth Chart
​Click here for a full description
Soulscaping - Mapping your Life Script
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Tracking Transits - Present Moment Awareness ​
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Chart Check - Quick review of another's chart
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Baby's Birth Chart - or any youth under age 18
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Feeling Focused - Dive into love, finances, health ​
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Past Lives & Lunar Nodes - Karma (past) Dharma (Destiny)
​Click here for a full description
Developmental Age Method - Planetary age points
​Click here for a full description
Synastry in Relationships - Relationship Report
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