Crystal Healing
Regina M. McGowan, Crystal Connossieur

Regina began ROMEOS ROCKS, INC., in July of 2019 after the loss and transition of her beloved Pit Bull, Romeo. Following Romeo’s passing Regina found herself alleviating the pain of his loss with quite a large number of crystals. It occurred to her one day, that her passion was so strong for these beautiful specimens of the Earth that of course her hobby should become her business, just as she had already done with both Horses & Yoga. Hence, ROMEOS ROCKS was born and is now a growing business that brings so much joy to Regina’s life.

Crystal Healing is a natural and alternative approach to support the healing of body, mind and spirit.
As Mother Earth's gifts, Crystals are imbued with her energies and are a way to help us connect to our Earth, to nature and to our place in the Universe.
When used as a healing modality, we can tap into the subtle energetic power of crystals to assist us in bringing health and harmony to our lives.
Let's make a Crystal Connection!
Follow me on Instagram @romeosrocks
for monthly Live Crystal Sales on Sunday! My IG feed is linked below.
No Instagram? No problem! Reach out for Crystal Consultations and personal shopping requests here: